Evaluate products & solutions to assess the synergy with leading players in global market or Asia market
Connect strategic and investment partners
Support deal structuring, due diligence, term sheet, contract negotiation and deal closing

BD & Licensing

Assist client in developing the commercialization strategy, market access strategy in China or other markets
Assist client in selecting and negotiating with partners, distributors in a specific market
Assist client in improving the operational excellience in the post acquisition management
Legal disclaimer: the scope does not include the regulated services if any special licence is required under the applicable local laws & regulations.

Management Consulting Services

Support client to select right targets for potential acquisition
Project management of cross boarder M&A deals
Support pre-acquisition due diligence & post acquisition integration, management

Merger & Acquisition Consulting

Innokylin Services

Advise market access and regulatory approval strategy



Analyze the competitive advantages of client's products and the synergy with the leading players in local markets



Support the negotiation with local business partners



Support post acquisition integration and operational management

New market access